Edit $PATH After Anaconda Installed If 'conda' Command Can't Be Found
Anaconda is a Python package utility which contains many great packages for scientific and mathematical computation. Users just install it once and it’s all set.
Problem after installation:
The ‘conda’ command can’t be found after Anaconda installed.
Edit the paths file in the user’s root directory according to the shell used( bash or zsh).
if using bash shell, edit .bashrcfile.
if using zsh shell, edit .zshrcfile.
Add the following line to the end of the file and save.
deamon mode : docker run -d -p 80:80 [ubuntu(image name)] --name webserver nginx
-d : Run container in background and print container ID
-p : Publish a container’s port(s) to the host
80: out/ 80: in
–name : Assign a name to the container
nginx : IMAGE
3. Check The Location of Python and Setup The Path
Mac OS X has built-in Python 2.7. By using ‘which’ command to check the location where Python installed, you can find out whether is it the system built-in python.
> which python
usr/bin/python ⇒ system built-in
In order to access to the correct version of Python installed, we need to add /usr/local/bin to $PATH.
You can use vim to edit the /etc/paths
> sudo vim /etc/paths
make sure that /usr/local/bin is before /usr/bin.
or just…
> export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
Close the terminal and reopen it again to make sure all the settings are effective.
Then check the location of Python again.
> which python
> which python3
If you always using Python 3, you can edit the setting:
> vim ~/.bash_profile
and add:
Installing Jupyter
> pip install jupyter
> pip3 install jupyter
After installation, using following command to start jupyter.