Sunday, October 6, 2013

One month study at Tealeaf Academy

Some thoughts after one month of study at Tealeaf Academy as follows: 

1. From the ground up!

I tried to study Rails by myself before and it took me a very long time.  It's good and also bad about Ruby codes for they are easy to read and understand.  The good side is you can figure it out what happens with less efforts.  The bad side is I start to believe I can study Rails by my own without others help.  

After few months, I still can not figure out why and how some Ruby codes were written.   Now I learn and know why after I study at Tealeaf since it starts from the ground up!  The lessons of Tealeaf have taught me many important key parts to learn Ruby and Rails and save me a lot of time comparing to self-studying Rails.   The courses are good and also very fast-paced.  I have to work very hard to catch up, sometimes I work very late.  But I am happy with it since I finally know what's going on in Rails!  

2. Hard coding, hard coding and hand coding.....

 Watching the teaching video and reviewing the Rails guide is not really getting those syntax in your head.  Although I realize the ideas and concepts of study materials, but fail to write codes in the editor. After hard coding and mimic the sample codes again and again, I start to be able to memorize the syntax and conventions.  Indeed, "make your hand dirty" is the best way to learn Rails. 

3. Pluralization of Rails convention

Ok, This is a big gap for those who's mother language is not English.  I got stuck at this point for a long time while I study Rails by myself before.  Now I know the convention, it become easier to understand the Rails code.  Here are some notes:


model (class)                    => singular         ex. Post,        CrazyMonkey
model file                         => singular         ex. post.rb,    crazy_monkey.rb
database table                  => plural             ex. posts,      crazy_monkeys

    # using > 'CrazyMonkey'.tableize  to get the table name


    belongs_to :user   # singular
    has_many   :posts  # plural