Saturday, November 23, 2013

Using Fabrication and Faker to generate test objects

Assigning text or value to a test object is quite often a tedious thing. Nevertheless, it has been an auto-generator to do this: 'Fabrication' and 'Faker'.

Fabrication (GitHub site) is a simple and powerful object generation library. Just define Fabricators, the schematics for your objects, it fabricates objects quickly as needed. Faker library that generates fake data. By combining these two gems, an automatic test object generator is ready to go for the rspec test.

Installation: Just add the following two lines to Gemfile and run bundle install to install the gems.
gem 'fabrication'
gem 'faker'
Just create the fabricator file for the Video Model object as:
Add the following lines to generate the two attributes of Video object:
Fabricator(:video) do
  title { Faker::Lorem.words(5).join(" ") }
  description { Faker::Lorem.paragraph(2) }
And it's ready to go!

In model/video_spec.rb, you have to create a Video object using:
Video.create(title: "Bones", description: "Great movie!")
When using 'Fabrication' and 'Faker' gem, all you have to do is:
let(:video)      { Fabricate(:video) }
And that is it!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Primitive Obsession

Primitive Obsession is using primitive data types to represent domain ideas. For example, we use a String to represent a message, an Integer to represent an amount of money, or a Struct/Dictionary/Hash to represent a specific object.  

In fact, if we can create an object to represent the data type, not only the basic data but also more functional attributes can be created and managed.

For example, we need to create a message type with attributes 'title', 'body', 'sender', 'receiver', 'created_date', 'attachment', 'is_deleted' and so on.  You can realize at once that it's impossible ( or at least very difficult ) to use 'String' data type to represent all the attributes, including 'created_date'. The best way is to utilize object-oriented programming features: 'OBJECT'!  Just create a 'Message Object'.

There is a good article with better explainations:    
Get Rid of That Code Smell – Primitive Obsession

The things happen while upgrading from Rails 3.2 to 4

The things happen while upgrading from Rails 3.2 to 4

Oops! Here comes the deprecation warning.  It's the "secret_key_token".
The secret_key_base is not required, however,  you will get a deprecation warning if this line is missing:

DEPRECATION WARNING: You didn't set config.secret_key_base.

There is a new value for that initializer in config/initializers/secret_token.rb
Myapp::Application.config.secret_token = '6839bw..' # your current token
Myapp::Application.config.secret_key_base ='db6s..' # secret value, this needs to be added
In order to generate a random secret_key value, you can use rake task:

rake secret

Just copy the value generated to the second line above, then restart the server and it's done!

More details: Upgrading to Rails 4.0 from Rails 3.2 – Test case


BootstrapForm is a form builder that makes it super easy to integrate Twitter Bootstrap-style forms into your Rails App.

I found it is very powerful to use when you try to build a data-binding form.

gem 'bootstrap_form'
Note that there are "bootstrap-form" and "bootstrap_forms" gems, so don't make mistake!

Here's a quick example you can start up with:

<%= bootstrap_form_for(@user, html: { class: 'form-horizontal' }, help: :block) do |f| %>
  <%= f.alert_message "Please fix the errors below." %>

  <%= f.text_field :twitter_username, prepend: '@', label: 'Twitter' %>
  <%= f.text_field :email %>
  <%= f.password_field :password, help: 'Must be at least 6 characters long' %>
  <%= f.password_field :password_confirmation, label: 'Confirm Password' %>
  <%= f.control_group :terms do %>
    <%= f.check_box :terms, label: 'I agree to the Terms of Service' %>
  <% end %>

  <%= f.actions do %>
    <%= f.primary 'Create My Account', disable_with: 'Saving...' %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

The magic of BootstrapFrom is as this screen slice below shows:

If there are errors, they will be shown just aside or below the input box. An error notice is also shown as well. It's a really nice feature. 

Just a note for it!


Haml (HTML Abstraction Markup Language)

「Haml is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document, without the use of inline code. Haml functions as a replacement for inline page templating systems such as PHP, ERB, and ASP. However, Haml avoids the need for explicitly coding HTML into the template, because it is actually an abstract description of the HTML, with some code to generate dynamic content.」

So what does haml looks like?

        %three Hey there
        <three>Hey there</three>

Haml doesn't use close tag such as </xxx>. Therefore, indentation is so important. At the beginning, the haml code was not easy to read, but eventually I got used to it gradually.

GitHub Flow

The GitHub Flow mentioned by Scott Chacon is by using a simplified workflow to manage the version control instead of the complicated git-flow.
Here is the points of the whole idea:
  • Anything in the master branch is deployable.
  • To work on something new, create a descriptively named branch off of master (ie: new-oauth2-scopes).
  • Commit to that branch locally and regularly push your work to the same named branch on the server.
  • When you need feedback or help, or you think the branch is ready for merging, open a pull request.
  • After someone else has reviewed and signed off on the feature, you can merge it into master .
  • Once it is merged and pushed to 'master' , you can and should deploy immediately.
There is a web page explaining how to use GitHub in Traditional Chinese, pretty concise!
Here: 在 GitHub 當中使用的 work flow

Easy to follow! Enjoy!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Some notes about Github flow and code review

GitHub Flow: a simplified and useful approach
  • Anything in the master branch is deployable
  • To work on something new, create a descriptively named branch off of master (ie: new-oauth2-scopes)
    git checkout -b Mod0      # -b : create branch locally
                   branch name
  • Commit to that branch locally and regularly push your work to the same named branch on the server
    git push origin Mod0
  • When you need feedback or help, or you think the branch is ready for merging, open a pull request.
    • from my own module branch to my own master branch )
    • ask for code review from others
    • finally, merge to the master branch
  • After someone else has reviewed and signed off on the feature, you can merge it into master
    • so after this step, we can check out the branch again from Github to the local master.
    git pull origin master
    • do development again.
  • Once it is merged and pushed to ‘master’, you can and should deploy immediately.
    git push heroku master

Shoulda Matchers

In rspec test case, there is a very useful gem called 'shoulda-matchers', which can save you a lot of writing test code.

For example:
    it "save itself" do
      video = "Bones_test", description: 'Test informations', small_cover_url: '/img/bones_small.jpg', large_cover_url: '/img/bones_large.jpg', category_id: 1)
      Video.first.title.should == "Bones_test"
      Video.first.description.should == 'Test informations'
      Video.first.small_cover_url.should == '/img/bones_small.jpg'
      Video.first.large_cover_url.should == '/img/bones_large.jpg'
      Video.first.category_id.should ==  1

    it "belongs to category" do
      video = Video.create(title: "Bones_test", description: 'Test informations', small_cover_url: '/img/bones_small.jpg', large_cover_url: '/img/bones_large.jpg', category_id: 1)
      category = Category.create(name: "Movie")
      expect(Video.first.category).to eq(category)

    it "is invalid without a title" do
      expect( nil)).to have(1).errors_on(:title)    

    it "is invalid without a description" do
      expect( nil)).to have(1).errors_on(:description)    

    it "is invalid if has a same title" do
      Video.create(title: "Bones", description: "Great movie!")
      expect(Video.create(title: "Bones", description: "Fun movie!")).to have(1).errors_on(:title)  
can be re-writed as:
    it { should belong_to(:category)}
    it { should validate_presence_of(:title)}
    it { should validate_presence_of(:description)}
    it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:title)}

Two ways to have in-line HTML for link_to

Sometimes we need to have multiple or complex HTML or ERB code in the link_to comment, we can do it as:
    <%= link_to post_path(@post) do %>
      <i class="icon-ok icon-white"></i> Go to the post@
    <% end %>
    <%= link_to '<i class="icon-ok icon-white"></i>"Go to the post@".html_safe, post_path(@post) %>
Just make a note for it!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

One month study at Tealeaf Academy

Some thoughts after one month of study at Tealeaf Academy as follows: 

1. From the ground up!

I tried to study Rails by myself before and it took me a very long time.  It's good and also bad about Ruby codes for they are easy to read and understand.  The good side is you can figure it out what happens with less efforts.  The bad side is I start to believe I can study Rails by my own without others help.  

After few months, I still can not figure out why and how some Ruby codes were written.   Now I learn and know why after I study at Tealeaf since it starts from the ground up!  The lessons of Tealeaf have taught me many important key parts to learn Ruby and Rails and save me a lot of time comparing to self-studying Rails.   The courses are good and also very fast-paced.  I have to work very hard to catch up, sometimes I work very late.  But I am happy with it since I finally know what's going on in Rails!  

2. Hard coding, hard coding and hand coding.....

 Watching the teaching video and reviewing the Rails guide is not really getting those syntax in your head.  Although I realize the ideas and concepts of study materials, but fail to write codes in the editor. After hard coding and mimic the sample codes again and again, I start to be able to memorize the syntax and conventions.  Indeed, "make your hand dirty" is the best way to learn Rails. 

3. Pluralization of Rails convention

Ok, This is a big gap for those who's mother language is not English.  I got stuck at this point for a long time while I study Rails by myself before.  Now I know the convention, it become easier to understand the Rails code.  Here are some notes:


model (class)                    => singular         ex. Post,        CrazyMonkey
model file                         => singular         ex. post.rb,    crazy_monkey.rb
database table                  => plural             ex. posts,      crazy_monkeys

    # using > 'CrazyMonkey'.tableize  to get the table name


    belongs_to :user   # singular
    has_many   :posts  # plural

Monday, September 16, 2013

pry - Good stuff for debugging


Good stuff for debugging

install :  

gem install pry


       1. put "require pry" in front of the code.
       2. put "binding.pry" just before the line of code that needed to debug.
       3. excute the code.
       4. pry will stop at the line where you put "binding pry".
       5. try to get the value of objects, variables and methods.
       6. Ctrl-D to continue.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Ruby Style Guide

Ruby is fun to write.  You can write in many different forms of codes for just doing one thing. There is no rule to follow unless you find one.  The one below is a good one to follow.  I am pretty sure your life will be easier if you go for it.

Beside the guide, there is a style checker for checking codes.   It's quite easy to use, but quite naggy.

Do you use Sublime text 2?  There is a plugin for it.  Have fun.

The Ruby Style Guide

This Ruby style guide recommends best practices so that real-world Ruby programmers can write code that can be maintained by other real-world Ruby programmers. A style guide that reflects real-world usage gets used, and a style guide that holds to an ideal that has been rejected by the people it is supposed to help risks not getting used at all – no matter how good it is.RuboCop


RuboCop is a Ruby code style checker based on the Ruby Style Guide.

Sublime RuboCop

A Sublime Text plugin that runs a RuboCop check on the current file or the current project. By default it uses RVM to run RuboCop, but you can switch to rbenv or provide your own command line in the settings.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Initial commit

Git operations

This is the very first article of my blog about coding. It's mainly for the learning purpose of Ruby on Rails, git and github, Python and others.  I found that coding is fun, but there are many little tricks needed to be remembered. Therefore, a blog is quite suitable for this kind of thing.

Anyway, a little notes about git is as follows:

 git init                                               # initialize a git repository

 git add <filename>                  # add a file
( git add . )                        # add everything in this directory
 git commit -m "Initial Commit!"        # commit the change

 git status                                             # show status

 git rm filename                                   # remove file

git remote add origin's_name.git                                                                                                                   # add a remote repository at Github

git push -u origin master                    # push file to remote site                                                                                                                            # origin : remote site
                                                                     # master: local site
 SSH login:

ssh -T                            # login using SSH key